Some people say "never work with children...or animals". Why is that? I guess it's because both a fraught with dangers with the chance of a fight at any moment.
Just as kids can be super nasty to each other, sometimes dogs can get into seemingly nasty scrapes but it usually looks worse than it is.
Recently, I got attacked. Not badly but badly enough for the Mistress to be very much shaken and stirred. The attack came out of nowhere - we weren't even in the park but suddenly a smaller black dog went for the jugular. And wouldn't let go.
The owner couldn't call their dog off and the dog still wouldn't let go. In the end, the Mistress intervened - even though she knows never interrupt a dog fight - and eventually stopped the dog. But let's just say she had to use an umbrella. The owner apologised and demanded to know where we lived. The Mistress was in shock and thought, bloody cheeky, your dog attacked mine!
Fast forward a few weeks - we've seen the devil dog but their owner has given us a wide berth; yesterday the Mistress decided to try to make the peace. After all, if you share the same space, it's better to get on. But instead of the dogs getting into a scrap, the owners did - both women gave as good as the other - and the Mistress ended up storming off with me trailing behind. It was all very messy but guess who behaved impeccably throughout? Me, of course!
Anyway, the Mistress tried again today - this time in a less forthright (or maybe angry?!) fashion; we've had a death in the family so the Mistress said she was feeling out of sorts. And apologised!
This time everyone behaved but really, there was only one innocent party. Yes, it really was the park version of Mean Girls but without Lindsay Lohan; I am just hoping that I don't get attacked again.
Woof Woof