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Have you seen the show yet? Some podgy pooches being put through their paces. Please come and visit my blog and check out my spacesuit... It's SO cool!
Big lick,

Rachel Van Den Bergen

This stupid prosecution law about fat pets has put me off buying pets. if your dog likes to eat, it likes to eat and if it doesn't it will whine, bark and slaver until it does. I have always had pets with healthy appetites which we called names like Tubby and Pudding. They never had any weight related health problems. I think it is another silly fad and it makes me angry.

Rachel Van Den Bergen

This stupid prosecution law about fat pets has put me off buying pets. if your dog likes to eat, it likes to eat and if it doesn't it will whine, bark and slaver until it does. I have always had pets with healthy appetites which we called names like Tubby and Pudding. They never had any weight related health problems. I think it is another silly fad and it makes me angry.

Laurie - weight loss 4 busy women

well, it's says the pet get like its owner :)

Teri Salvador

Come and see what I said about Fat Dogs, and Fat Cats, really interesting posts.
Good stuff.


Its not so much as dogs eating too much its the fat and sugar content of commercial pet foods. To counteract that more natural foods without the additives and some more walks in the day will keep a dog slim and trim.

Rachel Van Den Bergen

they keep bringing out new and improved pet food to make profit. That doesn't help either. They should just stick to one.


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