OK, OK, it's me, back again, trying to blame the cancer when, in fact, it's the addiction to Twitter that's the problem. The blog soooo needs a makeover. I soooo need some TLC. But Twitter is omnipresent!
I love it. The Mistress loves it. Even her friends are getting on board with the Twitter-thang.
The Mistress got asked, the other day, to recommend some great blogs - which she did. But guess what? She raved about Twitter even more and said that IT was where things were going - quicker to absorb than a blog, a zillion times more intelligent than Facebook and just so totally and utterly...compelling. And who joined on Friday? None other than Ms Winfrey herself - AND her dog, OBVIOUSLY! The gorgeous Sadie.
So, if you know anything about social media, you'll know that Ashton Kutcher beat CNN (yes, BEAT CNN) to sign up a million followers on his Twitter account. And he'll harness that power - apparently - for something good.
Anyway, anyway - I've come across two new blogs that I LOVE - here they are:
Tania Kindersley has been busy highlighting the plight of Roxana Saberi - a female journalist - now incarcerated in Iran.
I've done what I can on Twitter but now it's time to do something here, too.
Send a postcard of support, if you can.
Woof Woof