Yep, that’s what I reckon TV and radio executives decided when they launched two new stations.
The first, an online radio station purely for dogs, is now available in Thailand of all places. features barking DJs playing vocal and instrumental music for 24 hours a day.
Radio station owner Anupan Boonchuen believes listening to music has an effect on canine behaviour. "At my grooming school we found that when we turned on music the dogs' mood improved. They were more obedient and let us trim their hair easily." As a result, 10 students from the dog grooming school have been hired to work as DJs.
Mr Boonchuen added: "One of the main qualifications is that he or she must be good at barking ... And they must be able to communicate with the dogs, even if they can't see them." OK then!
Meanwhile, parents have been at odds to decide whether a new TV channel targeting the under-threes is a good thing or not. BabyFirstTV has been launched in the US and there are reports that the company is planning to launch the station here in the UK by Christmas.
So, are these stations just a free babysitting service for children (or dog sitting service for your pooch)? After all, campaigners say babies should not be watching television at all.
With increasingly busy lives, parents have less time to interact and play with their children. Fact. Similarly, dog ownership in the UK has dropped because there are fewer people at home to look after them. Fact. The trend may reverse now that there are more homeworkers than ever but it’s too early to say.
What cannot be disputed is that watching TV and listening to the radio does lend a certain type of company. Yes, a sort of babysitter. Homeworkers will tell you that having either on in the background reduces the feeling of being alone. So maybe it’s reassuring for children to not feel so alone either. Who can say? I reckon parents will be letting out a huge sigh of relief - even if it is secretly.
I can’t say if it’s a bad thing or not but surely, children, just like dogs, need to be playing outside as much as they can. And they need human supervision, too!
Woof Woof